How to avoid appliance radiation?
Date: 2015-05-25 14:39:06


  Today, more and more household appliances, people's lives are becoming more convenient, but household appliances are like a "double-edged sword", even if you will "wave", but also can not escape them in the invisible harm to our bodies.

  A, "microwave oven" radiation

  Microwave ovens are both convenient and affordable, is the ideal cooking tool for modern fast-paced life. According to radiation measurement report, the electromagnetic radiation of the microwave oven is several times that of other appliances.

  Avoidance methods: after opening the microwave oven, it is best to leave a meter or so, after the microwave oven work, wait for a period of time before opening; the best use of microwave oven shield, often use its cooking food need to wear shielding apron, shielding coat. After using a period of time often check the door has no mechanical damage.

  Second, "refrigerator" high magnetic field

  According to experts, the refrigerator operation, the rear side and below the cooling line release the largest magnetic field. In addition, the refrigerator heat pipe dust too much will also have an impact on electromagnetic radiation, the more dust the greater the electromagnetic radiation.

  Avoid method: refrigerator to be placed in the kitchen and other places not often stay; try to avoid in the refrigerator work close to it or store food; often use vacuum cleaner to heat pipe on the dust sucked off.

  Third, "induction cooker" radiation

  Induction cooker is the use of electromagnetic induction to generate magnetic eddy current heating food, when working will produce very low frequency electric and magnetic fields. The World Health Organization classifies extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields as a class of carcinogens together with benzene and welding fumes. If there is magnetic material in the blood or cells, it is easy to be magnetically induced, causing the accumulation of heavy metals in the body and hindering the normal activities of blood and cells.

  Avoidance methods: choose the Chinese National Electric Certification Commission electrician certified or European ce certified products; use at least 40 cm away from the distance; do not put the induction cooker on the table when eating hot pot, it is best to have a metal partition shield.

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